Without a doubt, Pho is one of the extremely popular Vietnamese dishes, not only in Vietnam but also around the world.
Pho in HCMC is a combination of tradition and modernity, of traditional Northern taste and Southern taste. Unlike traditional pho, Pho in HCMC has a richer taste and is served with more herbs.
Don’t forget to order a poached egg with soup when slurping a bowl of Pho!
You can try this at:
- Pho Hoa Pasteur
Address: 260C Pasteur, Ward 8, District 3 (here)
Open hours: 05:00 – 23:30
Price: 55,000-95,000 VND ($2.43-4.20)
- Anan Saigon
Address: 89 Ton That Dam, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1 (here)
Open hours: 17:00 – 00:00
Price: 50,000-250,000 VND ($2.21-11.00)